Ukrainian Sentences About House

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Welcome to our language learning portal where you can expand your Ukrainian vocabulary and practice with real-life Ukrainian sentences. Our expertly curated list of 20 phrases about "House" offers interactive text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation and English translations to clarify meaning. These sentences are tailored for intermediate Ukrainian learners, providing a focused approach to understanding the nuances of the language. Dive into our resources to enhance your grasp of essential Ukrainian phrases and deepen your conversational skills. Whether you're studying for personal interest or practical communication, our platform makes mastering Ukrainian more accessible and engaging than ever before.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Білі килими дуже важко утримувати в чистоті.

    White carpets are very hard to keep clean.

  • Будинок обвалився.

    The house caved in.

  • Він дав мені склянку води.

    He gave me a glass of water.

  • Вони заклали фундамент будинку.

    They laid the foundation of the house.

  • Їхній будинок мав добру охоронну систему.

    Their house had a good security system.

  • Ми будуємо ваш будинок у відповідності з вашими побажаннями.

    We are building your house in compliance with your wishes.

  • Ми живемо в двох окремих будинках.

    We live in two separate houses.

  • Ми підписали договір на будинок.

    We signed a contract for the house.

  • Наш будинок на тому хребті.

    Our house is on that ridge.

  • Підлоги з мармуру гарні.

    Marble floors are beautiful.

  • Постав книгу на верхню полицю.

    Put the book on the top shelf.

  • Спальня була обставлена гарними прикрасами.

    The bedroom was laden with beautiful ornaments.

  • Ти закрив двері?

    Did you lock the door?

  • Том додав кімнату до свого будинку.

    Tom added a room to his house.

  • Том на задній веранді.

    Tom is on the back porch.

  • Хустинки знаходяться в шухляді.

    The handkerchiefs are in the drawer.

  • Це гарний день для косіння трави.

    It's a nice day for mowing the lawn.

  • Це дуже великий будинок.

    That's a very big house.

  • Цей будинок має велику цінність.

    This house has a lot of value.

  • Я відчуваю сильну прив'язаність до цього дому.

    I feel a strong attachment to this house.

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