
/ˈkome/, [ˈ]

come, eat

  • Soy un vegetariano que come montones de carne.

    I'm a vegetarian who eats a ton of meat.

  • Mi amigo solo come comida orgánica.

    My friend only eats organic food.

  • Tom come cualquier cosa que Mary le ponga delante.

    Tom eats anything Mary puts in front of him.

  • Come más lentamente.

    Eat more slowly.

  • No come nada más que fruta.

    He eats nothing else but fruit.

  • Él come.

    He is eating.

  • El dinero no se come.

    You can't eat the money.

  • La venganza es un plato que se come frío.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  • Ven, come las frutas en la cocina.

    Come, eat the fruits in the kitchen.

  • Él solo come fruta.

    He only eats fruit.

  • Tom no come más que frutas y verduras.

    Tom eats nothing but fruits and vegetables.

  • El fuerte se come al débil.

    The weak are food for the strong.

  • ¡Cómo come!

    My, how she eats!

  • Su padre come ahí dos veces a la semana.

    His father eats there twice a week.

  • Papá no come postre.

    Father doesn't eat dessert.

  • Ella odia el pescado y nunca lo come.

    She hates fish and never eats any.

  • ¿Usted come pulpo?

    Do you eat octopus?

  • Aquel niño no come.

    That boy doesn't eat.

  • Si tienes hambre, pues come.

    If you're hungry, then eat.

  • Tom come como un cerdo.

    Tom eats like a pig.

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