Italian Sentences About Internet

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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about the "Internet" in Italian. Perfect for learners aiming to strengthen their intermediate Italian skills, this page offers a unique combination of Italian sentences, English translations, and text-to-speech audio. Each sentence is designed to boost your understanding of everyday Italian phrases, helping you build a more robust vocabulary. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Italy or simply looking to improve your language proficiency, these practical Italian phrases will elevate your learning experience. Dive into the world of Italian language learning and master the essentials with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Abbiamo discusso l'argomento nel forum.

    We discussed the topic in the forum.

  • Alcuni commenti sono spaventosi.

    Some comments are scary.

  • Clicca sul link.

    Click on the link.

  • Come posso aggiungere dei tag a una frase?

    How can I add tags to a sentence?

  • Guarda il mio profilo per ulteriori informazioni.

    View my profile for more information.

  • Ho aggiunto questo sito web ai miei preferiti.

    I added this website to my favorites.

  • Ho caricato le foto ieri.

    I uploaded the photos yesterday.

  • I cinema stanno perdendo sempre più ricavi a causa della pirateria su internet.

    Movie theaters are losing more and more revenue due to internet piracy.

  • La password che hai inserito è invalida.

    The password you have entered is invalid.

  • La sicurezza del sistema è stata violata.

    The system's security was compromised.

  • Lei ha cercato velocemente su internet.

    She quickly searched on the internet.

  • Lei vende artigianato fatto a mano online.

    She sells handmade crafts online.

  • Mi piace il tuo sito web.

    I like your website.

  • Non alimentare il troll.

    Do not feed the troll.

  • Non sei loggato.

    You are not logged in.

  • Oggi Wikipedia in lingua inglese sarà non disponibile.

    English Wikipedia will be unavailable today.

  • Tom è sempre online.

    Tom is always online.

  • Trascorro alcune ore al giorno mantenendo il mio sito web.

    I spend a few hours a day maintaining my website.

  • Volevo solo controllare la mia email.

    I just wanted to check my email.

  • Wikipedia è la migliore enciclopedia su Internet.

    Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia on the Internet.

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