Spanish Sentences About Philosophy

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Embark on a journey to sharpen your Spanish vocabulary with Clozemaster's engaging collection of 20 quintessential Spanish sentences on the profound topic of philosophy. Ideal for intermediate Spanish learners, this resource doesn't just offer run-of-the-mill Spanish phrases; it presents thought-provoking content accompanied by text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Unlock the deeper understanding of philosophical dialogues and expand your linguistic horizons as you immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Spanish language and thought. Dive into insightful discussions and elevate your command of Spanish with these meticulously curated sentences designed to challenge your mind and enhance your Spanish learning experience.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cinismo es sólo una forma malvada de decir la verdad.

    Cynicism is just a mean way to tell the truth.

  • ¿Cuándo acabará la codicia humana?

    When will human greed end?

  • Depende del contexto.

    It depends on the context.

  • El hombre no es tan poderoso como Dios.

    Man is not as almighty as God.

  • El investigador buscó incansablemente la verdad.

    The seeker tirelessly searched for truth.

  • El mundo pertenece a los valientes.

    The world belongs to the courageous.

  • La guerra sólo provoca destrucción insensata y violenta.

    War results only in senseless and violent destruction.

  • La inteligencia artificial no puede vencer a la estupidez natural.

    Artificial intelligence cannot beat natural foolishness.

  • La paciencia es una virtud.

    Patience is a virtue.

  • La situación era un paradoja.

    The situation was a paradox.

  • La soledad es independencia.

    Solitude is independence.

  • ¿Los deseos se hacen realidad?

    Do wishes come true?

  • Mejor ser un tonto feliz que un sabio infeliz.

    Better to be a happy fool than an unhappy sage.

  • Mi hogar es mi castillo.

    My home is my castle.

  • No pido una carga más liviana, sino hombros más anchos.

    I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

  • Se dice que la verdad siempre triunfa.

    It is said that truth always triumphs.

  • Siembra el viento, recoge el torbellino.

    Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

  • Sólo la superficie de las cosas revela la esencia de las cosas.

    Only the surface of things reveals the essence of things.

  • Somos responsables de nuestros actos.

    We are responsible for our actions.

  • Tómate tu tiempo para reflexionar.

    Take the time to reflect.

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