Serbian Sentences About Emotions

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Master your Serbian vocabulary and elevate your language skills with Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 emotion-filled Serbian sentences! As an intermediate Serbian learner, immerse yourself in the nuances of expressing feelings through authentic Serbian phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you want to convey happiness, sadness, anger, or love, our interactive platform brings you closer to fluency in everyday Serbian. Engage with our intuitive learning tools and expand your understanding of emotional Serbian vocabulary, ensuring you not only memorize but also effectively use these essential Serbian expressions in real-life conversations. Start feeling confident in Serbian today with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Beskorisno je plakati zbog prolivenog mleka.

    It is no use crying over spilt milk.

  • Da li si uznemiren?

    Are you upset?

  • Dobili smo neprijateljski prijem od seljana.

    We got a hostile reception from the villagers.

  • Moj pas je uvek tako lojalan.

    My dog is always so loyal.

  • Nedavno se osećao veoma depresivno.

    He has felt very depressed recently.

  • Njegova čudna navika ih je zbunila.

    His strange habit confounded them.

  • Odgovorio je sa sarkastičnim osmehom.

    He answered with a sarcastic smile.

  • Ona je prevazišla poteškoću.

    She overcame the difficulty.

  • On je neobično tih danas.

    He is unusually quiet today.

  • On mašta više nego iko.

    He fancies her more than anyone.

  • Ovde se osećam bezbednije.

    I feel safer here.

  • Počela je nekontrolisano da jeca.

    She began to sob uncontrollably.

  • Praznina proždire moje srce.

    An emptiness devours my heart.

  • Prestrašila sam se tokom horor filma.

    I freaked out during the horror movie.

  • Rekli su konačno zbogom na aerodromu.

    They said a final farewell at the airport.

  • Rođendanska zabava uzbuđuje decu.

    The birthday party excites the children.

  • Ta misao je bila trenutno.

    That thought was momentary.

  • To je prilično neočekivano.

    That is rather unexpected.

  • Uvek me ohrabruje da se potrudim.

    She always encourages me to try.

  • Želeo je osvetu zbog uvrede.

    He wanted revenge for the insult.

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