Ukrainian Sentences About Criticizing

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Welcome to our dedicated language training guide designed for learners aiming to bolster their intermediate Ukrainian vocabulary, focusing specifically on the art of critiquing. Dive into our curated list of 20 authentic Ukrainian sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio to perfect pronunciation, and English translations to ensure understanding. The phrases provided will not only enhance your Ukrainian vocabulary but will also teach you how to articulate criticism in a culturally appropriate manner. This resource is essential for those looking to engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations in Ukrainian. Start mastering these critical Ukrainian phrases and sentences today, and take a step closer to fluency.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ви виглядаєте як йолоп.

    You look like an imbecile.

  • Він брав участь у великій афері.

    He took part in a big scam.

  • Він заперечив той факт.

    He denied that fact.

  • Він поводиться егоїстично.

    He behaves in a selfish manner.

  • Деякі газети спотворили новини.

    Some newspapers distorted the news.

  • Деякі члени правління сумнівалися у його здатності керувати корпорацією.

    Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.

  • Її поведінка була недоречною.

    Her behavior was inappropriate.

  • Їхня поведінка була цілковито недоречною.

    Their behavior was utterly improper.

  • Його зауваження були дуже образливі.

    His remarks were very offensive.

  • Його лайка образила слухачів.

    His swearing offended the listeners.

  • Його поведінка була ганебною.

    His behavior was embarrassing.

  • Його рішення було надзвичайно дурним.

    His decision was extremely foolish.

  • Нестача гнучкості є перешкодою до прогресу.

    Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to progress.

  • Перестаньте витрачати гроші на непотрібні речі.

    Stop spending money on unnecessary things.

  • Такі лестощі тебе нікуди не приведуть.

    That sort of flattery will get you nowhere.

  • Тед некомпетентний викладати англійську.

    Ted is incompetent to teach English.

  • Ти дурень.

    You are a moron.

  • Ти смердиш від сигарет.

    You stink of cigarettes.

  • Ти сьогодні виглядаєш жахливо.

    You look awful today.

  • Це чиста марна трата часу.

    It is a sheer waste of time.

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